Record 145,000 books sold at the Punjab University Book Fair


An astounding 145,000 volumes were sold during the course of a three-day book expo organized by Punjab University, breaking previous records. Vice Chancellor Dr. Khalid Mahmood believes that this outstanding accomplishment demonstrates the continuing affection that individuals have for literature, regardless of their background.

The record-breaking book sales, he said, highlight the value of accessible literary events, and he underlined the need to offer the public such chances.

Publishers provided over a 50% discount at the expo, according to Dr. Mahmood, making books more accessible to everybody.

He underlined how vital education is to the advancement of any country and how important it is to cultivate a reading culture in order to promote tolerance in society. Dr. Mahmood also reaffirmed the administration’s pledge to continue organizing the book fair at Punjab University on a regular basis going forward.


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