Anoushey Ashraf and Yasir Hussain had a heated “fun public debate” over him calling Turkish actors international garbage.


Pakistani actor and host Yasir Hussain is usually found amidst the controversial news. More often than not, his statements regarding different matters make him land in the waters of controversies.

This time, yet again one of his comments sparked some aggression in public. Recently he uploaded a story of two Pakistani men who were the lookalikes of Turkish series characters “Ertugrul” and “Turgut Alp”. He termed them as “international garbage”

Along with the picture he wrote: Nobody will give them any attention because anything local is always devalued while even garbage from abroad is deemed valuable.”

When this story was highlighted by an Instagram page, Diva magazine, fellow actress Anoushey Ashraf had a quick response to Yasir’s words.

She replied: “Let’s just gently remind Yasir that NO one is Kachra for one. And even if their work isn’t at par to his liking, actors from around the world must be respected,It should be an unspoken ‘bond’ of mutual respect between artists. You’ll know your struggles better than the world does. Having said that Ertugrul is far from kachra, if anything the series is an eye opener for how people are finally rejecting ‘kachra’ work at home and looking out for better scripts, shows and budgets,”

She added, “And lastly, these people in the picture have gotten some attention because of the play itself, not because of any of us anyway. So thanks to a foreign drama for having inspired them to come forth. There are always pros and cons to EVERY situation, let’s just look at the food sometimes,”

Yasir responded to her by telling to her to calm down as he didn’t call refer to Turkish series as Garbage and that she wouldn’t understand his point of views as she had always played English songs on her show and spoke English her whole life.


Anoushey ended this public debate by writing this:

It’s okay if he thinks I misunderstood him. But for him to insinuate that a fellow Pakistani isn’t Pakistani enough because she speaks English or uses a Japanese istri because it ‘may’ be of better quality is not entirely fair. It’s dangerous to insinuate I’m not Pakistani enough because I chose to purchase an Indian saari. Next time some American friends of mine ask for khaadi Kurtas I’ll just tell them they’re just not good enough Americans. We all support local and always will. Please do not mix the two.

It isnt so black and white. Also a request to all Pakistani following these threads. Yasir has an opinion and we can kindly share ours, please do not disrespect him.

Anyway, I gotta go and use my Japanese car to get some Pakistani kebab rolls for my Germans friends who want to buy jewellery from pakistan. Terrible for them to do this to Germany! This was a fun public debate!


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