Shafqat Mehmood takes notice after O/A levels students complained about unfair grading


Recently Cambridge announced O and A levels results which were considered as “unfair grading” by many and a lot of students came forward to make sure that the relevant authorities took notice of this issue.

Federal education minister, Shafqat Mehmood has taken notice of this and he has decided that the Government will approach he British Council, Cambridge, and the British High Commission regarding this matter.

He wrote in a tweet, “I have received many complaints about unfair grading and conveyed to Cambridge the students’ concerns. I am hopeful that Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) will look into it and take remedial measures,”

The O/A levels exams were supposed to be held in May which were canceled by Cambridge. They decided to promote and announce the results without the exams. This procedure involved several steps including teachers’ predicted grades, ranking order, school review/approval, and standardization.

When the results finally came out, majority of the students were not satisfied by these grading.


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